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Resonance Rising

Writer's picture: Indigo ClayIndigo Clay

I have been so excited to write about this. It's a very deep take on life, our purpose, and the role of the Universe in this life experience. It took a lot of time to learn this, and sometimes, I still am. I had a download of thought, and it really just clicked and made sense; how could it be any other way? I have come to believe that God does not control the things that happen to us in life. We have to stop blaming Him for when life seems to just be shit hitting the fan.

As spiritual beings living a human experience, I feel that we always need something or someone to blame when things are not going according to “plan,” because there has to be a reason it is happening to make sense in our little limited human brains. But what if there is not a set out point to point plan? Think about it, when we do make plans, how often does it actually go exactly that way? Hardly ever.

However, I do believe before we come to earth, we discuss with Father the things we want to do in this life, and I believe that He does what he can to provide those opportunities. But, just like our earthly parents, Father cannot control other people’s or our decisions. The choices we make in life are not up to Him. That is the definition of His Plan; freedom of choice. We pray, we do what we can to bring fourth manifestations, but at the end of the day, we make our life. Bad things don’t happen to us because it is God’s doing, it’s just a part of this life; which we knew when we said we wanted to come here.

While God is said to be an all powerful creator, it is also said we are the same, designed in his image. We are the essence of his spirit, all one, yet all individuals connected. So while we are divine beings, in these bodies we are limited to the powers we have until we can learn to reconnect with them, therefore, God is also limited as to how much power he can use with us.

I do not not believe an all knowing and loving God would create wars, illnesses, heartbreak and all the other tragedies we have to live through. We have created them, because we are not all knowing in this experience, and we do not know the vastness of our higher beings' abilities to create worlds. It is up to us, not God, to change the world we have made. It is up to us to learn love & forgiveness, and heal as God does, as Christ did on earth. Christ was sent to be an example to us. Because God cannot control us, He sent a being that could lead by example, to show us how we can learn our greatness, and use our divine creativity for good. Now it is our turn to be that example as well.

Until every being on earth can do that, bad things will continue to happen. And until the day when the earth is so called cleansed from the destructions of this world, all we can do is continue to build and grow our relationships with Father, Christ, our Guides, The Universe. Listen and learn from them, and pray for protection. Because no matter how awful things get, Love & Light always conquers.



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