introductions are not my thing. "let's go around in a circle, tell us your name, and little about yourself," my mind goes blank, like i haven't just spent the last 26 years with myself. but here i am, about to spill my life secrets and show the whole world who i am. okay, maybe not all my life secrets, but enough that whoever reads will feel known, loved, and perhaps find a little bit of knowledge in these blogs.
indigo; that's the name i was given at birth. i have come to passionately love it, especially in my adulthood. i truly started to resonate with it as i ventured more into my journey of healing and self-love. in the world of spirituality, indigo represents wisdom, intuition, and inner awareness, and it is the color of the sixth chakra, ajna (the third eye). i have always been super intuitive, regardless of some times, if not most, struggling to actually listen to my guides or higher self. lets just say, they definitely have those moments of "what in the stars is she doing?" with my stubborn, headstrong way of doing things on my own. surrendering to a more forgiving, accepting, and go with the flow way of life took a lot of discipline, and still does. i find myself slipping into old habits and have to hone in what's going on externally and internally, and i usually find misalignments causing that uncomfortable friction leading to past tendencies. and you know, everyone deals with this, even the most awakened consciences have their days, and that is OKAY! it's part of being human; being in these physical bodies, while also still being celestial.
i believe one of the main purposes of life is being here to learn, and that includes learning being happy in the bodies we are born into. discovering the things we love is essential to a fulfilling story. i really love that. it's so exciting to come across the things that just ignite your spirit. i'll forever remember the passion and joy that enveloped my soul when i started creating music. i was always in love with music, it just hits a spot that nothing else can, and it became an outlet for when i struggled with severe depression and anxiety. and writing was also something i discovered at a younger age and really resonate with. becoming a published author was a crucial goal for me and 10 year old indi would be so ecstatic if i could go back and tell her we have a few published works, with plenty ideas to craft into existence, this blog included.
deciding what i want to be when i "grow up" is another one of those "mind goes blank" moments because there is so much i love and want to do with my time. being a wife and mother is the big one. right now, i just have fur babies, two beautiful kitties. sebastian is my fierce lovable siberian, and tiabeanie is my cute cuddly ragdoll. seb was adopted in septmber of 2021, and shorlty after moving to a new apartment, it was time to get him a sibling. bean was adopted from a rescue shelter in april 2022. they are both july babies, and will be two this year; it has been so fun to watch them grow and play together, even if i have to mediate the fights bean can start, but not finish. i love to travel, and my goal is to start doing it more. this year i want to focus that goal on camping, or weekend/day trips to state parks for hikes. the kitties love to be outside too, so i'm excited to see them enjoy our adventures together! helping others is a personality trait for me. it brings me a lot of happiness to serve others, which is why i am doing what i do. i'm elated to be a part of others lives for goodness, to teach and grow with those who i cross paths. i'm grateful you're here now, taking the time to read this, and hope i will continue be a part of the journey you are on to finding whatever it is you seek in life.